Office workplaces are changing and will most likely continue to do so for the foreseeable future. The need to create safer and more clearly defined work areas has never been more important. Employers and employees alike need greater physical privacy as well as reduced visual/noise pollution solutions where they work.
Our eSCAPE line of acoustical and privacy solutions provides products designed to increase privacy while decreasing distractions at work. We offer multiple products, made from unique materials, to help create better defined areas where comfort, safety, and productivity can be the focus of everyone who uses them.
The International Organization for Standardization (IOS) uses the testing method known as ISO 354 to measure the Noise Reduction Coefficient of a material.
In order to understand the sound reducing effectiveness our eSCAPE panels, it’s important to remember that the absorption of soundwaves is different for every frequency. For example, a high frequency sound with a short wavelength (human voices, telephones ringing, appliances beeping, et al.) can be absorbed more efficiently by our eSCAPE panels, while lower frequency sounds aren’t absorbed as effectively, due to their longer wavelength.
It’s important to remember the overall area of a room, the walls/ceiling/floor of a room, even the temperature of a room has an effect on how best (and how much) sound can be absorbed.
Our eSCAPE panels measure an average 0.6 (60%) reduction of lower frequency sounds and a 0.75 (75%) reduction of higher frequency sound in most environments. Our panels are not designed to eliminate all noise, but they effectively reduce the widest range of ambient noise in your workspace.